Tuesday, May 27, 2008
The rain forest consist of 3 layers. The top one is called the canopy where birds and some monkey reside. The middle one is the under story which includes most of the animals that you'd think a rainforest would have. The last and bottom one is the forest floor which has things like fungi and other decomposing animals.
The marine ecosystem is the biggest ecosystem there is. It is made up of 3 different zones. The the euphotic zone, the abyssal zone, and the bathyal zone. The euphotic zone is the closest to the sun so it gets the most sun light. Planktons and many other fish live in the euphotic zone. The batyhal zone comes next recieving less sunlight that the euphotic but more than the abyssal which recieves almost no sunlight. animals can live all over the marine ecosystem like angler fish in the abyssal.
Monday, March 24, 2008
The chaparral is located in southern California like here. The animals that live there are mountain lions, squirrels, and birds. THe Vegetation consists of dry plants like purple needle grass. The climate is mainly temperate.
Friday, March 14, 2008
The geography of the tundra are usually flatland with some small hills and mountains covered in snow.
The animals that live their are polar bears, arctic wolves, some whales, and seals. there is hardly any vegetation except for some small bushes. The tundra also has a cold arctic climate